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How does the product comparison in our online store work?

1. select products to compare:

Select at least 2 products that you want to compare. All products in the store can be compared with each other.

To select the products for comparison, click the "Add to comparison list" button in the categories page.

Confirm or change the product selection:

After you have selected several products to compare from the category, you can now compare them with each other.

 Now scroll all the way to the top. Now click on the upper right red button.

You will immediately see your own selection of products, which can be compared with each other.

Attention! You can compare a maximum of 4 products at the same time!

3. the product comparison:

Now click on the "Compare all products" button.

If you want to compare other products, you can also delete the comparison and start again.

4. the comparison overview:

After you have started the comparison, you will get a clear overview of all selected products.

By pressing the red X, they can remove products again.

Of course, you can also print your selection in the product comparison.

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