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Garage floor: click tiles -hello cher revêtement de sol pour

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Garage floor:
click tiles -
hello cher
revêtement de sol pour

The garage:
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N'achetez pas a la quincaillerie!

🔶 Click tiles for garage: The ultimate flooring for your garage 🔶

When it comes to choosing the perfect flooring for your garage, PVC tiles for garages are at the top of the list. Why? Let's take a deeper dive.


🔹 PVC Garage Flooring 🔹


PVC, also known as polyvinyl chloride, is an extremely durable and resistant material. It's perfect for withstanding the daily wear and tear of a garage, from heavy vehicles to oil stains.

What is the best garage floor?

Garage floors are subjected to heavy loads. They need to be sturdy, load-bearing and easy to maintain. PVC flooring offers these qualities, making it an ideal choice.


🛠️ Forteile of click tiles in garage

📌 Click tiles in garage are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional. They are easy to install, do not require special tools and can be installed within a few hours. The best part? You can install them yourself!

📌 Garage Floor Click Tiles: An investment that pays off.

📌 With garage floor click tiles, you not only get a beautiful floor, but one that will last for years. They are resistant to abrasion, stains, and even chemicals, making them the ideal choice for garages.

🔶 Click tiles for garage: The ultimate flooring for your garage 🔶


When it comes to choosing the perfect flooring for your garage, PVC tiles for garages are at the top of the list. Why? Let's take a deeper dive.


🔹 PVC Garage Flooring 🔹 

PVC, also known as polyvinyl chloride, is an extremely durable and resistant material. It's perfect for withstanding the daily wear and tear of a garage, from heavy vehicles to oil stains. 

What is the best garage floor?

Garage floors are subjected to heavy loads. They need to be sturdy, load-bearing and easy to maintain. PVC flooring offers these qualities, making it an ideal choice.


🛠️ Forteile of click tiles in garage

  📌 Click tiles in garage are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional. They are easy to install, do not require special tools and can be installed within a few hours. The best part? You can install them yourself!

📌 Garage Floor Click Tiles: An investment that pays off.

📌 With garage floor click tiles, you not only get a beautiful floor, but one that will last for years. They are resistant to abrasion, stains, and even chemicals, making them the ideal choice for garages.

What attacks the garage floor? 

The garage floor is constantly exposed to extreme loads , be it mechanical or point loads caused by cars starting and braking . Temperature fluctuations and chemical loads (oil, petrol and battery acid) also affect the floor. Once the garage floor gets old, a wide variety of defects will appear over time.

If road salt or oil stains are not removed in time, they will even attack the floor surface over the decades . There is heavy dusting or even sanding concrete floors, spalling, cracks and discoloration. But you don't think about all that at first, but enjoy your garage and the countless possible uses. Decades later, when the dilemma is obvious, you finally realize: 

Renovating the garage floor now is very time-consuming and expensive!
If you want tiles or an epoxy resin coating as flooring for the garage, you have to mill the floor . After milling, a further shot-blasting operation is generally necessary. With such problem floors , simply sanding them down is no longer of any help. Have you waited too long and the signs of the times can no longer be denied and are you looking for a quick, uncomplicated but permanent solution? Then use Fortelock or Motorsport click tiles to renovate your garage floor 
Race Motorsport Klickfliesen Gelb Schwarz

Why click tiles are the better choice for the garage floor!

A normal floor covering in the garage shows damage after a short time . Thanks to the slightly flexible material, click tiles can withstand high loads and heavy abrasion for longer.
Our personal recommendation are the  Motorsport click tiles or PVC tiles from Fortelock Industrie and ECO. They were developed for use in industry, for production lines and production areas. They withstand the demands of a garage floor for a long time. The material is a bit oversized for a garage floor with a thickness of 7 - 8 mm .
But this is exactly why the PVC tiles withstand the high loads in your garage for many years and also keep their very good optical impression. 

What does a modern garage floor need to be able to do?

Due to the high weight of the PVC tiles, the floor does not have to be glued.
The PVC garage floor also does not slip when driving with heavy vehicles.
Fortelock PVC tiles impress with their high-end quality and offer a correspondingly long service life thanks to their industrial quality. Thanks to the so-called airflow system, the PVC tiles offer maximum flexibility.
They are almost indestructible . Even if heavy objects fall on them, the PVC tiles will not break. And if something does happen, you can exchange the damaged PVC tile for a new one.
The advantage: You don't have to renew the entire floor at once, as with a coating.
However, it should be pointed out that PVC tiles can be dented under high loads, for example by car jacks. But the dent goes out again as soon as the tile heats up.
The PVC garage floor is frost-proof and is not attacked by road salt in winter. 
Doppelgarage-Industrieboden Fortelock

 We deliver and install PVC Floors



Motorsport and Fortelock click tiles can be laid on any solid surface. The substrate does not have to be prepared in a time-consuming manner or sanded flat.
 Oil stains do not need to be removed .
Another big advantage is the lightning-fast installation and the immediate 100% load.
Fortelock click tiles cushion movements and have a shock-absorbing and relieving effect on the spine and joints.
Glass bottles and tools often survive a fall unscathed and make less noise when they fall. 

In the event of damage, you can very quickly replace the broken click tile yourself and the damage is repaired.
Advantage: You don't have to renew the entire floor at once, as with a coating.
 In principle , a layman can also lay the click tiles , provided he has done something handy.
Click tiles can be expanded at any time. Through acquisitions, new colors and surfaces. In addition, the colors and surfaces of the click tiles can be combined with one another as desired!  

Compared advantages and disadvantages of click tiles and a coating as a floor covering:

Vorteile von Klick Fliesen

Nachteile von Klick-Fliesen

Vorteile einer Beschichtung

Nachteile einer Beschichtung

Einfache und schnelle Verlegung auf jedem festen Untergrund ohne aufwendige Vorbereitung

Geringere Auswahl an Designs und Farben im Vergleich zu einer Beschichtung

Nahtlose Oberfläche ohne Fugen und Kanten

Aufwendige Vorbereitung des Untergrunds erforderlich

Keine Entfernung von Ölflecken notwendig

Verwendung von Reinigungsmitteln mit aggressiven Chemikalien kann die Oberfläche der Fliesen beschädigen

Gute Rutschfestigkeit

Rutschfestigkeit kann im Laufe der Zeit abnehmen

Stoß dämpfende und entlastende Wirkung auf Wirbelsäule und Gelenke

Klick-Fliesen können bei hohen Temperaturen und Feuchtigkeit ausdehnen oder schrumpfen

Verschiedene Farben und Designs verfügbar

Beschädigung der Beschichtung durch spitze Gegenstände möglich

Glasflaschen und Werkzeug überstehen Stürze unbeschadet und verursachen weniger Lärm

Einfache Reinigung und Pflege

Beschichtung kann bei hoher Belastung abplatzen

Kaputte Fliesen können schnell und einfach ausgetauscht werden

Hohe Beständigkeit gegenüber Chemikalien und Abrieb

Beschichtung kann bei unsachgemäßer Anwendung uneben und rissig werden

Erweiterbarkeit durch Zukäufe von Fliesen in neuen Farben und Oberflächen

Schwierige Reparatur bei Beschädigung

Einfache Verlegung auch für Laien mit etwas handwerklichem Geschick

Can you lay PVC floor in the garage?

Yes, Kliek tiles can be laid on any solid surface. The underground
 does not have to be elaborately prepared or sanded flat. 
Oil stains do not need to be removed. 

Garage floor renovation


We have always had problems with coatings or sanding concrete garages.

These could only be restored at great expense - either with new epoxy resin coatings or tiles.

And even there, some garages cracked again after some time.

Now, with PVC tiles, we have the perfect solution for us and our customers.


Renovate garage floor PVC by yourself or maybe paint the garage floor?

There are many options for the garage floor. Renovating a garage floor can be very time-consuming and costly at the same time.

Renovating garage floors with epoxy resin is becoming more and more popular and is certainly a good choice. For this, however, the garage floor must first be milled off.

After that, the floor must be treated with so-called shot peening.

 This is a particularly time-consuming and often expensive way to restore the shine of your garage floor. You can renovate your garage floor much cheaper and faster if you decide to use PVC tiles. Such tiles can be laid on almost any surface and you do not have to replace the entire floor. This means for you that you will get a much nicer garage floor, which is also more robust and cheaper.

Click, tiles are absolutely in fashion!

More and more consumers appreciate the quality of these high-quality PVC tiles and now install them not only in commercial and workshops.  Garage floor renovation with PVC tiles is the easiest way to get a durable, attractive and at the same time robust flooring.

Certainly, the price plays the same role here as the appearance. PVC tiles are extremely affordable and the advantage is that you can choose any type of decor.

It does not have to be an expensive coating, nor do tiles have to be installed, because you can get PVC tiles in different colors, with different finishes and in numerous decors. From tile look, laminate look to unusual designs, every wish can be implemented quickly and also at a reasonable price.

You can of course watch videos on garage floor renovation, on Youtube, as numerous consumers do, certainly a very good idea to get a first impression. With PVC tiles in the garage, the experience speaks for itself, because you can combine different tiles (from the same manufacturer)and create your own individual pattern.

 Another and certainly important point is that you can load such plastic tiles enormously, especially in the garage not entirely unimportant.

PVC click tiles are the modern way to give an attractive design to any garage floor.

You can 

PVC floor

 in the garage 


Yes, Kliek tiles are fixed on each 
Layable underground. 
The underground
 does not have to be elaborately prepared 
or be ground flat. 
Oil stains do not need to be removed. 

Klick und fertig, einfach, schnell und schön!

Das Klicksystem von Klick Fliesen bietet eine einfache und schnelle Verlegung, die im Vergleich zu traditionellen Fliesenverlegemethoden viele Vorteile bietet:

  • Kein Werkzeug erforderlich: Das Klicksystem ermöglicht es, die Fliesen einfach und ohne spezielle Werkzeuge miteinander zu verbinden. Dies erleichtert die Installation erheblich und macht sie auch für Laien zugänglich.
  • Kein Kleber oder Mörtel: Da die Fliesen durch das Klicksystem miteinander verbunden werden, ist kein Kleber oder Mörtel erforderlich. Dies reduziert nicht nur den Arbeitsaufwand, sondern verhindert auch mögliche Fehler, die durch den Einsatz von Klebstoffen entstehen können. Ohne die Notwendigkeit, Kleber trocknen zu lassen oder mit Mörtel zu arbeiten, kann die Verlegung der Fliesen viel schneller abgeschlossen werden.
  • Weniger Vorbereitung: Da kein Kleber oder Mörtel benötigt wird, ist auch weniger Vorbereitung des Untergrunds erforderlich. Dies kann besonders nützlich sein, wenn der Boden uneben ist oder wenn Sie die Fliesen auf einem bestehenden Bodenbelag verlegen möchten.
  • Flexibilität: Wenn Sie den Look ändern oder die Fliesen an einem anderen Ort verwenden möchten, können sie leicht entfernt und neu verlegt werden. 
  • Kosteneinsparungen: Ohne die Notwendigkeit, zusätzliche Materialien wie Kleber zu kaufen oder Fachleute für die Installation zu beauftragen, können Klickfliesen oft kosteneffizienter sein.
Garasge-rot-grau Garasge mit Grube PVC Fliesen
Double Garage PVC Tiles Dark Gray and Red Industrial
Published by Schaub and Son 
Show Boden Klickfliesen
Did you know that…
...the colors and tiles can be combined with each other. This way you can create any pattern of garage flooring... 
Garage-PVC Fliesen

Double garage in Gauting. PVC tiles black and light gray industrial

Published by Schaub and Son. 

You have the perfect garage floor in about 1 to 2 hours

even if you are a layman, as long as you have some manual dexterity.
The click tiles can be laid in a flash and loaded 100% immediately.
You don't need expensive specialist companies either.
Kliek tiles can be laid on any solid surface.
The substrate does not have to be prepared in a time-consuming manner or sanded flat.
Oil stains do not need to be removed.
We have always had problems with coated, tiled or cast off concrete garages.
This could only be restored with great effort. Either through new epoxy resin coatings or tiles.
And even then there were cracks in some garages after a while.
With the click tiles, we now have the perfect solution for us and our customers. 

Advantages of click tiles as flooring in the garage 

  • High mechanical wear resistance
  • 100% repairable and rebuildable
  •  Easy to maintain and clean surface without special agents
  • Air Flow System against moisture - no more mold on the floor
  • large selection of designs and colors
  • Quick and easy installation thanks to the click system. The tiles are put together like a puzzle
  • Renovation with minimal impact on your comfort: you don't have to park your vehicle outside for several days, just a few hours 
  • Excellent chemical resistance In most cases, no adhesive is required: lower installation costs and time savings
  • Excellent dimensional stability
  • In the case of slight unevenness and damage, the floor does not have to be leveled
  • Anti-slip R10
  • 100% recyclable
  • EU branded product
  • Renovate your garage floor cheaply and quickly 
Garage Rot Schwarz PVC Kliekfliesen Fortelock

How much do garage tiles cost? 

The following table gives you an overview of prices for various garage floors, the click tiles are available from 7 mm up to 28 mm thick. In PVC, PP plastic and porcelain stoneware (slip resistance from R9 - R10)*.


Preis / m2*

Fortelock ECO PVC Fliesen 7-8 mm stark

ab 35,80 €

Motorsport Fliesen Race 18 mm stark

ab 36,95 €

Feinsteinzeug Klick Fliese PRO INDOOR 28 mm stark

ab 142,0 €

Fortelock Industrie PVC Fliesen 7-8 mm stark

ab 49,80 €

Fortelock Industrie PVC Fliese Extra 7-8 mm stark

ab 57,80 €

*Prices are in square meters, without guarantee (as of 01.10.2022).

The click tiles are in line with environmental 


The PVC tiles (thermoplastic materials) can be 100% recycled at the end of their lifespan.
The old PVC tiles are shredded and reprocessed into granules.
Which then becomes new PVC tiles again in the injection molding process. 

The click tiles 

are totally in 

sense of environmental protection

PVC tiles (thermoplastic materials) 
can end their 
Lifetime 100% recyclable.
The old PVC tiles will be 
shredded and recycled, 
to granules.
That then in 
injection molding process 
becomes new PVC tiles again. 
Werkstatt Klickfliesen PVC

extra tip

You can lay click tiles over ceramic tiles without the tile pattern showing through! 
Werkstatt Schwarz PVC Kliekfliesen Fortelock

How much does 1 m2 click tile floor for the garage cost?

The price for PVC tiles starts at €33 per m². In this case you will receive recycled material.
You're paying for higher-quality, industrial-grade material. €43.56 per m² 

What is the cost of 1 m2 

Click tile floor 

for the garage?

The price of PVC tiles 
starts at €33 per m². 
In this case received 
They recycle material.
For higher quality full 
materials in industry 
You pay for quality.
 43,56 € pro m² 
Sample possible
Eco Industry 7 mm
Fortelock ECO industrial PVC tiles 7 mm    You cannot buy this article in a hardware store!   ✅The PVC click tiles can be laid in a flash and immediately loaded to 100%. ✅ Cheap renovation ✅PVC tiles with click system ✅ Quick and easy to install ✅100% repairable and rebuildable Inexpensive ECO tile made from recycled material, the surface of which contains material inclusions and therefore does not guarantee an opaque color uniformity. This version is suitable for use under high loads! Important: If you mix industrial driveways with ECO PVC tiles, you will always see a color difference - the solid material is more shiny than the ECO material.It can happen that the PVC tiles ECO smell a bit strange after laying. No fear! That doesn't mean you've misplaced something bad. This is due to the processed PVC mixture from electrical cables. Not suitable for basements or apartments. Lay only in well-ventilated rooms.                                                                                                                   Technical details:  

Content: 0.25 Quadratmeter (€37.96* / 1 Quadratmeter)

Sample free!
Sample possible
Motorsport click tile Race for garages, make your garage special!
Motorsport Tile Race ✅ It doesn't matter whether it's an event and trade fair floor, workshop, showrooms, camping, vehicle presentations, tent floor or various similar applications or in the garage at home. ✅Immediately driveable and accessible ✅ Motorsport click tiles have proven themselves for many years in racing and motorsport. ✅ Make something special out of your garage!  With a stylish racing floor, you can transform your garage into a racing stable and also benefit from the practical advantages of the smart click system. The racing floor is modular and consists of PP click tiles that simply snap together to form a durable, robust floor covering that will delight any car racing fan.  Also if you are looking for a durable workshop floor covering that not only offers the best functionality, but also scores in terms of design.  The high-quality click system of motorsport tiles is ideal as a workshop floor covering, both for your private workshop and for professional workshops in the commercial sector. Take advantage of the opportunity to design the workshop floor covering individually. Rounded surface Special look due to 3D structure Thanks to the open structure, dirt can fall through and liquids can dry (no puddle formation) Easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner and steam jet Optional colors possible Loadable up to 30 t/m² Resistant to acids, alkalis, bases and hydrocarbons. The optimum material and ambient temperature is between 15 and 25°C. Since polypropylene expands when heated, a distance to fixed components (walls, pillars, door sills, passageways, etc.) should be planned. Our recommendation: The expansion joint should be 1% of the total length and at least 3 cm. In order to enable expansion in areas of approx. 50 m² or more, we recommend planning expansion parts in addition to the all-round expansion joint. notice The optimum material and ambient temperature is between 15 and 25°C. Since polypropylene expands when heated, a distance to fixed components (walls, pillars, door sills, passageways, etc.) should be planned. Our recommendation: The expansion joint should be 1% of the total length and at least 3 cm. In order to enable expansion in areas of approx. 50 m² or more, we recommend planning expansion parts in addition to the all-round expansion joint.  

Content: 0.96 Quadratmeter (€38.49* / 1 Quadratmeter)

Sample free!
Heavy duty tile KLICK, waterproof, 8-15mm thick, 5 tons can be driven over, without gluing
Heavy duty tile CLICKIndustrial floor, liquid-tight and can be driven on with 5 tons without gluing the heavy-duty floor to the subsoil! Fully glued up to 45 tons load!Liquid-tight installation without gluing the heavy-duty floor to the subsurface! You cannot buy this article in a shop or hardware store!   Heavy-duty tile PVC click  A  joint is built into the  connection system  with a  sealing lip , which can be filled with  hybrid 1K joint compound. This gives you a  moisture-proof covering without having to thermally weld!   If you glue the joints with hybrid 1K joint compound and then thermally weld them, you get a moisture-proof and very strongly bonded industrial floor for the highest loads. This floor can be welded, glued together or simply laid floating, regardless of whether you need a diffusion-open or moisture-proof covering. The laid industrial floor can easily be removed and laid elsewhere! Like all our coverings, the heavy-duty PVC click tile is  resistant to almost all acids, alkalis, oils and fats.  The connection is unique on the market and is therefore also protected (utility model patent)! In tree bark structure (slip resistance R11) and smooth surface (slip resistance R9). Suitable for glued, floating and fixed laying Advantages of the heavy-duty floor that can be driven on by forklifts        With floating installation, can be driven on with a forklift truck up to 5 tons without gluing Liquid-tight installation possible without gluing the industrial floor to the subsurface Lightning-fast installation and immediate 100% resilience of the heavy-duty floor. Relocations overnight, including weekends, during ongoing operations (no stoppages) and in sections possible. Laying on problem floors (oil, cracks and damage) Protects your products and tools, heavy-duty PVC tiles have a shock-absorbing effect.    Large and heavy production machines can be placed on it easy and quick replacement of damaged PVC heavy-duty tiles A shock-absorbing and relieving effect on the spine and joints.         The PVC heavy-duty tiles are very easy to keep clean and are suitable for machine cleaning. Bonded over the entire surface, can be loaded up to 45 tons EU branded product Well suited for industrial areas, fire stations, logistics, car workshops, etc.  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS In tree bark structure (slip resistance R11) and smooth surface (slip resistance R9). STRESS TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS STANDARD VALUE stress class EN685 34-43 overall thickness EN428 7-10mm hardness ISO 868 92-94 Resteindruck EN433 0.08 abrasion EN660-2 417 RESISTANCE TO CHEMICALS machine oil No change in the sample material after 72 hours acetic acid Sulfuric acid 1:1 Potassium Hydroxide 10% toluene CE mark - EN 14041 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS STANDARD VALUE sliding resistance EN 13893 DS room for change EN 13553 below the classification limit (1.8cm³ /dm³) reaction to fire EN 13501-1 Bfl-s1 (B1) VOC (qualitative) EN 17025 passed Pentachlorphenol EN 17025 <0.1 mg/kg passed VOC emissions DiBt passed Antistatic under standard conditions (25% relative humidity below 25°C room temperature) IN 1815 4.4KV (not met) Antistatic under everyday conditions (50% relative humidity below 25°C room temperature) IN 1815 1.8KV (meet) Heat transfer resistance (suitability for underfloor heating) EN 14041:2004 0.07 m²k/W (fulfilled) total weight EN430 10mm-15kg; 7mm-11kg plate size 490 mm x 490 mm Tested at: TFI Textiles & Flooring Institute GmbH Aachen IMS AD Belgrade Institute for Material Testing

Variants from €49.90*

Are PVC tiles even cheaper? 

Cheaper is always possible, but as professionals we can actually rule out with a clear conscience whether exactly this cheap one is the better choice in the end. There are also cheaper PVC tiles on the market. They are usually about 4 mm thinner and don't have an airflow system.
The airflow system causes the PVC tiles to be ventilated from behind . Any PVC tile that is clicked together is never 100% waterproof. A small amount of water can always penetrate through the click connection. Especially in winter, when you drive into the garage with a snow-covered car, there is a particular risk of moisture.
If you turn the PVC tiles over, there are small crosses on the back. Firstly, this can ensure that the PVC tiles dry out again and again . The PVC tiles are laid floating. This allows the air on the sides and on the driveways to dry out the moisture from below. If the PVC tiles do not dry out again, mold can and will form between the floor and the PVC tiles. 
But also due to the higher point load , the PVC tiles have better adhesion to the floor. You will then also notice the difference when laying and in daily use.
There is no second choice to ensure the high quality standard is maintained.
Don't save in the wrong place or you'll end up buying twice.
Before we decided on the PVC tiles from Fortelock, we of course also tried many other manufacturers and PVC tiles. We have had the best experiences with the PVC tiles from Fortelock. Therefore, our recommendation tends towards Fortelock.
Because of the airflow system and better traction. 

Liquid-tight installation possible without the industry 

Gluing the floor to the subsurface (floating)? 

liquid density 

relocation possible 

without the industry 

ground at 

underground to 

Gluing (floating)? 

schwerlastfliese Flüssigkeits dicht

This floor can be welded, glued together or simply laid floating, regardless of whether you need a diffusion-open or moisture-proof covering. 

Are the PVC tiles liquid-tight?

PVC tiles are not 100% waterproof. Liquid can penetrate through the click connections after driving in the rain or due to melting snow.
Especially in winter, when snow is still stuck to the car and then melts away in the garage. It can happen that the meltwater penetrates under the PVC tiles. Thanks to the airflow system, the moisture can dry off again.
We have special  heavy duty tiles made of PVC. When it needs to be liquid tight. These can be driven on with up to 5 tons without gluing the heavy-duty floor to the subsoil! 
Dichtlippe Klick Fliese
A joint is built into the connection system with a sealing lip, which can be filled with hybrid 1K joint compound.
This gives you a moisture-proof covering without having to thermally weld!   

Would you also like to admire your garage floor in the dark?

We set new trends and combine light with click tiles!
The combination of LED strips with our expansion parts is the ideal addition to our click tiles (racing floor).
A simple parking space becomes an eye-catcher for every vehicle. 
Garagenboden mit LED Motorsport Fliesen
Garagenboden mit LED Motorsport Fliesen

Airflow – the system supporting ventilation 

the Fortelock PVC tiles. 

Airflow – 

the system for 

support of 


the fortelock 

PVC tiles. 

Fortelock-Rückseite PVC Fliese

The underside of each PVC tile has been designed to consist of many small channels. This system helps with ventilation and air circulation between the subfloor and the PVC tiles. In order for this system to function effectively and correctly, it is necessary for the respective rooms to have a sufficient slope and sufficient ventilation there.

These factors support each other and help to keep garages, workshops or warehouses dry. This prevents mold and odor from forming. 

Can the edge joint of the PVC tiles to the wall be filled with silicone or acrylic?

No, this is an expansion joint. This must remain free. If not, the floor can no longer expand in the heat. The PVC floor then throws itself ugly. The expansion gap must also be maintained with all other non-moving parts such as heating pipes, columns or door frames. 

 Advantages of PVC tiles

 Easily exchangeable - can be expanded as required - frost-proof - extremely durable - visual highlight

 Loadable up to 45 tons - high sound insulation - easy to care - shock absorbing - gentle on the joints 

through the renovation 

with PVC tiles 

will be yours too 

garage floor too 

an optical one 

highlights, as well 

easy to care for 

and stable in value over the long term. 


elegant and 

easy to care for: 

the ideal floor covering, 

If you have a 

Renovate garage or 

want to upgrade.

 Now PVC tiles 

buy and 

long joy 

have it! 


can also protect the walls? If you are already gluing, you can immediately use sealing tape between the wall and PVC tile and attach a PVC skirting board with rubber lamella. You now have a watertight tub and the walls are also protected up to the baseboards. 
Bodenleisten Fortelock

Long-term evaluation and maintenance tips for the Fortelock garage floor: a 6-year experience.

Here the boss lends a hand himself 

Here Can be laid on any substrate - no time-consuming preparation - very quick installation - immediate 100% load

   - Montage team available Many years of experience - on request including assembly - assembly team available

Sample possible
Eco Industry 7 mm
Fortelock ECO industrial PVC tiles 7 mm    You cannot buy this article in a hardware store!   ✅The PVC click tiles can be laid in a flash and immediately loaded to 100%. ✅ Cheap renovation ✅PVC tiles with click system ✅ Quick and easy to install ✅100% repairable and rebuildable Inexpensive ECO tile made from recycled material, the surface of which contains material inclusions and therefore does not guarantee an opaque color uniformity. This version is suitable for use under high loads! Important: If you mix industrial driveways with ECO PVC tiles, you will always see a color difference - the solid material is more shiny than the ECO material.It can happen that the PVC tiles ECO smell a bit strange after laying. No fear! That doesn't mean you've misplaced something bad. This is due to the processed PVC mixture from electrical cables. Not suitable for basements or apartments. Lay only in well-ventilated rooms.                                                                                                                   Technical details:  

Content: 0.25 Quadratmeter (€37.96* / 1 Quadratmeter)

Sample free!
Sample possible
Motorsport click tile Race for garages, make your garage special!
Motorsport Tile Race ✅ It doesn't matter whether it's an event and trade fair floor, workshop, showrooms, camping, vehicle presentations, tent floor or various similar applications or in the garage at home. ✅Immediately driveable and accessible ✅ Motorsport click tiles have proven themselves for many years in racing and motorsport. ✅ Make something special out of your garage!  With a stylish racing floor, you can transform your garage into a racing stable and also benefit from the practical advantages of the smart click system. The racing floor is modular and consists of PP click tiles that simply snap together to form a durable, robust floor covering that will delight any car racing fan.  Also if you are looking for a durable workshop floor covering that not only offers the best functionality, but also scores in terms of design.  The high-quality click system of motorsport tiles is ideal as a workshop floor covering, both for your private workshop and for professional workshops in the commercial sector. Take advantage of the opportunity to design the workshop floor covering individually. Rounded surface Special look due to 3D structure Thanks to the open structure, dirt can fall through and liquids can dry (no puddle formation) Easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner and steam jet Optional colors possible Loadable up to 30 t/m² Resistant to acids, alkalis, bases and hydrocarbons. The optimum material and ambient temperature is between 15 and 25°C. Since polypropylene expands when heated, a distance to fixed components (walls, pillars, door sills, passageways, etc.) should be planned. Our recommendation: The expansion joint should be 1% of the total length and at least 3 cm. In order to enable expansion in areas of approx. 50 m² or more, we recommend planning expansion parts in addition to the all-round expansion joint. notice The optimum material and ambient temperature is between 15 and 25°C. Since polypropylene expands when heated, a distance to fixed components (walls, pillars, door sills, passageways, etc.) should be planned. Our recommendation: The expansion joint should be 1% of the total length and at least 3 cm. In order to enable expansion in areas of approx. 50 m² or more, we recommend planning expansion parts in addition to the all-round expansion joint.  

Content: 0.96 Quadratmeter (€38.49* / 1 Quadratmeter)

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Heavy duty tile KLICK, waterproof, 8-15mm thick, 5 tons can be driven over, without gluing
Heavy duty tile CLICKIndustrial floor, liquid-tight and can be driven on with 5 tons without gluing the heavy-duty floor to the subsoil! Fully glued up to 45 tons load!Liquid-tight installation without gluing the heavy-duty floor to the subsurface! You cannot buy this article in a shop or hardware store!   Heavy-duty tile PVC click  A  joint is built into the  connection system  with a  sealing lip , which can be filled with  hybrid 1K joint compound. This gives you a  moisture-proof covering without having to thermally weld!   If you glue the joints with hybrid 1K joint compound and then thermally weld them, you get a moisture-proof and very strongly bonded industrial floor for the highest loads. This floor can be welded, glued together or simply laid floating, regardless of whether you need a diffusion-open or moisture-proof covering. The laid industrial floor can easily be removed and laid elsewhere! Like all our coverings, the heavy-duty PVC click tile is  resistant to almost all acids, alkalis, oils and fats.  The connection is unique on the market and is therefore also protected (utility model patent)! In tree bark structure (slip resistance R11) and smooth surface (slip resistance R9). Suitable for glued, floating and fixed laying Advantages of the heavy-duty floor that can be driven on by forklifts        With floating installation, can be driven on with a forklift truck up to 5 tons without gluing Liquid-tight installation possible without gluing the industrial floor to the subsurface Lightning-fast installation and immediate 100% resilience of the heavy-duty floor. Relocations overnight, including weekends, during ongoing operations (no stoppages) and in sections possible. Laying on problem floors (oil, cracks and damage) Protects your products and tools, heavy-duty PVC tiles have a shock-absorbing effect.    Large and heavy production machines can be placed on it easy and quick replacement of damaged PVC heavy-duty tiles A shock-absorbing and relieving effect on the spine and joints.         The PVC heavy-duty tiles are very easy to keep clean and are suitable for machine cleaning. Bonded over the entire surface, can be loaded up to 45 tons EU branded product Well suited for industrial areas, fire stations, logistics, car workshops, etc.  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS In tree bark structure (slip resistance R11) and smooth surface (slip resistance R9). STRESS TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS STANDARD VALUE stress class EN685 34-43 overall thickness EN428 7-10mm hardness ISO 868 92-94 Resteindruck EN433 0.08 abrasion EN660-2 417 RESISTANCE TO CHEMICALS machine oil No change in the sample material after 72 hours acetic acid Sulfuric acid 1:1 Potassium Hydroxide 10% toluene CE mark - EN 14041 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS STANDARD VALUE sliding resistance EN 13893 DS room for change EN 13553 below the classification limit (1.8cm³ /dm³) reaction to fire EN 13501-1 Bfl-s1 (B1) VOC (qualitative) EN 17025 passed Pentachlorphenol EN 17025 <0.1 mg/kg passed VOC emissions DiBt passed Antistatic under standard conditions (25% relative humidity below 25°C room temperature) IN 1815 4.4KV (not met) Antistatic under everyday conditions (50% relative humidity below 25°C room temperature) IN 1815 1.8KV (meet) Heat transfer resistance (suitability for underfloor heating) EN 14041:2004 0.07 m²k/W (fulfilled) total weight EN430 10mm-15kg; 7mm-11kg plate size 490 mm x 490 mm Tested at: TFI Textiles & Flooring Institute GmbH Aachen IMS AD Belgrade Institute for Material Testing

Variants from €49.90*

Due to many requests, here is a load
test of the PVC tiles! 

FAQ Garagenboden

What is the best garage floor?

Our recommendation is the Motorsport click tiles or PVC flooring, from Fortelock Industry and ECO. The PVC tiles were developed for use in industry, for production lines and production areas. They can withstand the demands of a garage floor for a long time. The material is a lot oversized for a garage floor with a thickness of 7 - 8 mm.

Are the PVC tiles impermeable to liquids?

PVC tiles are not 100% waterproof. Liquid can penetrate through the click connections after a rainy car journey or due to melting snow. We have special heavy-duty PVC tiles. If it has to be liquid-tight. These can be driven on with up to 5 tons without gluing the heavy-duty floor to the subfloor!

Can the edge joint between the PVC tiles and the wall be filled with silicone or acrylic?
No, this is an expansion joint. This must remain free. If not, the floor can no longer expand when exposed to heat. The PVC floor will then warp unsightly. The expansion joint must also be maintained to all other non-moving parts such as heating pipes, pillars or door frames.
Are PVC tiles even cheaper?

Cheaper is always possible, but as professionals, we can really rule out with a clear conscience whether cheap is the better choice in the end. There are also cheaper PVC tiles on the DIY market. These are usually around 4 mm thinner and do not have an airflow system.

What attacks the garage floor?

If road salt or oil stains are not removed in good time, they will even attack the floor surface over the decades. This results in heavily dusty or even sanding concrete floors, spalling, cracks and discoloration.

Does your flooring lack the necessary sound and impact absorption?

When it comes to flooring, sound and impact absorption can be an important factor, especially in multi-purpose rooms or garages adjacent to living areas. Flooring without sufficient sound and impact attenuation can lead to increased noise transmission, which can be annoying. Materials such as PVC provide some damping which can help to reduce noise levels. If these properties are lacking in your existing flooring, supplementary underlays or specialized flooring products with built-in damping properties can provide a solution.

Are stains and sanding surfaces a problem with your garage floor?

Stains and sinking surfaces can be a problem with garage floors, especially if the floor is made of a porous material such as concrete. Stains are caused by leaking liquids such as oil, and sinking surfaces can occur when the surface of the concrete begins to crumble, often due to constant wear and tear or chemical reactions. Using floor coverings such as PVC tiles can help protect the floor and make it easier to clean.

What colors are most practical for garage floors?

For garage floors, practical colors are those that don't show dirt and stains as easily. Dark shades such as gray, black or dark blue are popular because they make oil and tire marks less noticeable. Light colors can brighten up the room, but show dirt more easily. Some people also choose tiles with patterns or textures that help to hide dirt and improve the look of the garage.

How susceptible are PVC tiles to moisture and mold?

PVC tiles are generally resistant to moisture and mold growth because polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a non-porous material. They can therefore perform well in damp environments such as garages because they repel moisture, preventing the formation of mold. However, for the best performance, it is important that the tiles are installed correctly to avoid the build-up of moisture under the tiles. Regular cleaning and adequate ventilation will also help to minimize the risk of mould growth.

Oil stains in the concrete of your garage: what can you do?

To treat oil stains in the concrete of your garage, you can use absorbent materials, use special cleaning agents, use a pressure washer or consider professional cleaning for stubborn stains. In the long term, sealing the concrete or laying protective PVC tiles can help prevent such problems.

Has maintaining your garage floor become too time-consuming?

Garage floor maintenance can be time consuming, especially when it comes to traditional concrete floors that are prone to stains and absorption of liquids. A solution such as Fortelock PVC tiles can simplify maintenance, as they are easy to clean and provide extra protection against staining and wear and tear. If you're looking for a low-maintenance option, flooring like this could be a great choice.

How can Fortelock PVC tiles improve your garage?

Fortelock PVC tiles can enhance your garage floor with their durability, ease of cleaning and installation, aesthetic variety and slip resistance. They provide effective protection for the subfloor and improve safety and comfort when using the garage.

Slip hazard: How safe are PVC garage floors?

PVC garage flooring can be very safe if selected and installed correctly. Many PVC flooring options for garages are specifically designed to be slip-resistant, which minimizes the risk of slips and falls. These floors often have textured surfaces that provide a good grip even when wet or stained with oil and other liquids. To ensure the greatest possible safety, it is important to pay attention to the specific slip resistance properties when selecting the floor covering and to carry out the installation in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Which flooring is best for garages and why?

A particularly hard-wearing PVC floor covering that is non-slip and resistant to abrasion, chemical substances and temperature fluctuations is recommended for garages. It should also be easy to clean and install to meet the requirements of a typical garage.

What types of PVC garage flooring are available from Fortelock?

Fortelock Industry: High quality PVC tiles that are particularly appreciated in areas with high traffic and constant use.

Fortelock Invisible: Concealed interlocking system that enables seamless installation. for basements, garages, public spaces and stores.

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