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Fortelock PVC Fliesen -

Perfekt für Garagen & Werkstätten

Entdecken Sie die Vielseitigkeit

und Robustheit unserer

Fortelock PVC Fliesen, die ideal für Garagen und

Werkstätten sind. Unsere

Fliesen bieten eine langlebige,

pflegeleichte und ästhetisch

ansprechende Lösung für Ihre



 Sie suchen nach einer Lösung für Garagen, Lager und Produktionsbereiche

Fortelock Invisible und XL

PVC-Fliesen für mittlere Belastungen

Fortelock Business Kollektion


You are looking for the perfect floor 

for industry and commerce


Click tiles from Fortelock are a good alternative, especially for heavily used floors. 

These not only look great, they don't have to be glued to the surface!

Our PVC click tiles have been designed for extreme loads. 

A particular advantage is that such a PVC floor is easy to clean.

Fortelock Klick Fliesen PVC

Einführung in Fortelock PVC Fliesen

Fortelock PVC Fliesen sind eine innovative Lösung für Bodenbeläge,

 die sowohl praktisch als auch stilvoll sind. 

Sie sind perfekt für Bereiche, die eine hohe Belastbarkeit und einfache Wartung erfordern.

Doppelgarage-Industrieboden Fortelock

Vorteile von Fortelock PVC Fliesen

Unsere PVC-Fliesen bieten zahlreiche Vorteile, darunter hohe Belastbarkeit, 
Feuchtigkeits- und Schimmelresistenz sowie einfache Reinigung und Wartung, 
was sie zu einer idealen Wahl für gewerbliche und industrielle Umgebungen macht.

Entdecken Sie die zahlreichen Vorteile unserer Fortelock PVC Fliesen, die sie zur idealen Wahl für anspruchsvolle Umgebungen machen.

Hohe Belastbarkeit: Unsere PVC-Fliesen sind für ihre Robustheit und Langlebigkeit bekannt. Sie halten auch in stark frequentierten Bereichen wie Industrieanlagen, Werkstätten und Garagen problemlos stand.


  1. Feuchtigkeits- und Schimmelresistenz: Dank ihrer hervorragenden Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Feuchtigkeit und Schimmel eignen sich diese Fliesen besonders gut für Umgebungen, in denen Hygiene und Sauberkeit von größter Bedeutung sind.
  2. Einfache Reinigung und Wartung: Fortelock PVC Fliesen sind äußerst pflegeleicht. Sie lassen sich leicht reinigen und benötigen keine speziellen Wartungsarbeiten, was Zeit und Kosten spart.
  3. Vielseitige Designoptionen: Unsere PVC-Fliesen sind in verschiedenen Farben und Oberflächen erhältlich, sodass sie sich nahtlos in jedes Designkonzept einfügen.
  4. Einfache Installation: Die Fliesen verfügen über ein praktisches Klicksystem, das eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Verlegung ermöglicht. Dies spart Zeit bei der Installation und ermöglicht eine sofortige Nutzung des Bodens.
  5. Kosteneffiziente Lösung: Mit ihrer langen Lebensdauer und minimalen Wartungskosten bieten Fortelock ECO PVC Fliesen ein exzellentes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.
  6. Sicherheit und Komfort: Sie bieten eine rutschfeste Oberfläche und tragen zur Schaffung einer sicheren und komfortablen Arbeitsumgebung bei.


Durch die Wahl unserer Fortelock ECO PVC Fliesen entscheiden Sie sich für eine Bodenlösung, die Funktionalität, Ästhetik und Umweltbewusstsein in Einklang bringt. Ideal für gewerbliche und industrielle Anwendungen, bieten sie eine zuverlässige und nachhaltige Bodenlösung.


Anwendungsgebiete und Einsatzmöglichkeiten 

von Fortelock PVC Fliesen:

Die Fortelock PVC Fliesen sind nicht nur aufgrund ihrer Robustheit und Langlebigkeit, sondern auch wegen ihrer Vielseitigkeit eine beliebte Wahl. Sie eignen sich hervorragend für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen:


  • Industriebereiche: In Industrieanlagen, wo Bodenbeläge extremen Bedingungen standhalten müssen, bieten unsere Fliesen eine zuverlässige Lösung. Sie sind belastbar gegenüber schweren Maschinen und Geräten.
  • Werkstätten: Für Werkstätten, in denen Stabilität und Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Chemikalien und mechanischer Beanspruchung gefragt sind, sind diese Fliesen ideal.
  • Garagen: In Garagen bieten sie eine widerstandsfähige und leicht zu reinigende Oberfläche, die Öl- und Chemikalienbeständigkeit mit Ästhetik verbindet.
  • Gewerbe- und Verkaufsflächen: In Geschäften und Verkaufsräumen sorgen sie für eine ansprechende Optik und sind gleichzeitig pflegeleicht und strapazierfähig.
  • Fitness- und Sportanlagen: Aufgrund ihrer Stoßdämpfung und Rutschfestigkeit sind sie auch für Fitnessstudios und Sportbereiche geeignet.
  • Schul- und Bildungseinrichtungen: In Schulen und anderen Bildungseinrichtungen bieten sie eine sichere, langlebige und pflegeleichte Bodenlösung.
  • Messe- und Ausstellungsbereiche: Ihre einfache Installation und Demontage machen sie zu einer praktischen Wahl für temporäre Veranstaltungen wie Messen und Ausstellungen.


Installation und Verlegung von Fortelock Fliesen

Die Installation unserer Fortelock Fliesen ist unkompliziert und schnell. 

Mit unserer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung können Sie Ihre neuen Fliesen problemlos selbst verlegen.

Fortelock Tiles:

If you're looking for a tough, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solution for your garage floor, workshop, or warehouse floor, look no further than Fortelock Tiles. Not only are these tiles visually appealing, but they also offer a variety of benefits that make them the ideal choice for garages, workshops, and many other areas.


Fortelock price: an investment worth making

At first glance, the Fortelock price may seem higher than some other flooring options. But when you consider the durability, quality and ease of maintenance, it quickly becomes clear that it is a worthwhile investment. The tiles are designed to withstand daily wear and tear and look like new for years to come.


Fortelock floor: robustness meets aesthetics

Fortelock flooring is not only extremely resistant to physical impact, but also has an extremely attractive design. The tiles are available in a variety of designs and colors, making them perfect for any setting.


Fortelock garage floor price: quality has its price

When it comes to Fortelock garage floor price, customers are getting a product that is second to none in terms of quality and durability. Investing in Fortelock garage flooring means that you won't have to worry about the condition of your floor for years to come.


Buying Fortelock Tiles: Where and how?

Are you looking to buy Fortelock tiles?

Discover Fortelock at Schaub and Son.


Whether you want to renovate your home, your office or your garage or workshop, our Fortelock PVC tile collection offers the perfect solution. Discover the variety and quality of Fortelock in our online store now!


When placing your order, you can freely choose the following properties:

  • Thickness,
  • Color,
  • surface,
  • Industrial or ECO (recycled)
  • With sealing and digital printing

Fortelock PVC tiles: The advantages

Fortelock PVC tiles are known for their robustness and durability. PVC is a material that offers advantages over many other flooring materials, especially in terms of resistance to moisture and chemicals.


Fortelock Garage Flooring: Why it's the best choice

A Fortelock industrial floor not only provides an aesthetically pleasing surface, but also protects against wear, stains, and other damage that can occur in a garage.


PVC tiles garage Fortelock: the perfect solution.

For those looking for a durable and low-maintenance solution for their garage, PVC tiles are the answer. They offer a combination of aesthetics and functionality that is unmatched in this area.


Fortelock PVC tiles price: what you should know


Fortelock PVC tiles price varies depending on the size, design. However, it is worth investing in quality as you can ensure that your floor will remain in perfect condition for years to come.


Pflege und Wartung von PVC Fliesen

Die Pflege und Wartung unserer PVC-Fliesen ist einfach. Mit regelmäßiger Reinigung behalten 

Ihre Fliesen langfristig ihre Qualität und Ästhetik.

Fortelock von vorne

Fortelock von hinten

Unterschied Industrie und ECO

Fortelock Garage Floor: Where durability meets design

A garage floor is subject to constant wear and tear. Although Fortelock garage floor tiles were originally designed for industrial applications, they are almost oversized for garages. However, this is their big plus point. They are not only sturdy, but also durable. If you decide to buy Fortelock tiles, you will get the highest quality at an excellent price-performance ratio.

Robustness and resilience

Fortelock PVC click tiles are very robust and resilient. They are made of high quality PVC, which offers long life and good resistance to loads. This makes them ideal for use in commercial spaces, where high loads may occur due to, for example, heavy machinery and regular operations.

The robustness of Fortelock PVC click tiles also allows them to last longer and be replaced less frequently compared to other flooring options. They are more resistant to abrasion and scratches.

The resilience of Fortelock PVC floor tiles also allows them to be used in high traffic areas such as warehouses, garages and industrial facilities. They can withstand high loads from heavy objects and machinery without being damaged.

Overall, the robustness and resilience of Fortelock PVC floor tiles are key benefits that make them an excellent choice for commercial and industrial applications, as well as for spaces where the floor is subject to extra wear and tear

Slip resistance and slip resistance

Fortelock PVC floor tiles provide good slip resistance and slip resistance, making them a safe choice for many applications.

The tiles' slip-resistant surface reduces the risk of falls and accidents, especially in areas with high foot traffic or in spaces where moisture may be present. This is especially important in spaces such as commercial, industrial and workshops where the risk of accidents due to moisture is increased.

The slip resistance of the tiles also allows for safe movement in the space, primarily for the elderly or those with limited mobility.

Overall, the good slip resistance and slip resistance of Fortelock PVC floor tiles are important benefits that help reduce the risk of accidents in spaces with high foot traffic or moisture and increase the safety of people.

Are you looking for the perfect flooring for your workshop?

Workshop floors are often exposed to numerous stresses, be it from oil and grease spills, falling tools or the weight of heavy machinery. Such stresses can lead to damage, cracks or even holes in the floor. However, with Fortelock's advanced click tile technology, you can fix such problems in no time and give your workshop floor a fresh look.

Werkstatt PVC Fliesen ECO

Water and moisture resistant properties

Fortelock PVC floor tiles have excellent water and moisture resistance properties.

The water and moisture resistance of Fortelock PVC floor tiles makes it possible to perform cleaning operations easier and faster. If moisture gets on the floor, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner without damaging the floor.

Quick and uncomplicated installation

One of the advantages of Fortelock PVC floor tiles is that they are quick and easy to install. They do not require any special tools or knowledge in the field of floor laying, and can be laid by almost anyone themselves.

The installation is done by plugging the tiles together, this creates a strong and permanent connection. This means that no glue or tools are required. However, a clean and even substrate is a prerequisite for successful installation.

The quick and easy installation of Fortelock PVC floor tiles saves time and money compared to other floor coverings that require professional installation. It also allows the room to be used more quickly, as the installation is completed faster.

Overall, the quick and easy installation of Fortelock PVC floor tiles is an important advantage that saves time and money and allows you to use the room faster.

Fortelock Business Tiles: The professional flooring for your business!

In the business world, first impressions count. With Fortelock Business tiles, you make a clear statement in terms of quality, design and functionality. These tiles are not only a visual highlight, but also offer maximum resilience and durability - ideal for areas with high customer traffic or demanding work environments.

Fortelock Business Tiles

Business series combines the advantages of PVC flooring, making it the ideal choice for business and office environments. These tiles are characterized by their ease of use, robustness, durability and ease of maintenance. They also support sustainable thinking through the use of recycled materials. With a slip resistance rating of R9 and a thickness of 7 mm, they are perfect for commercial spaces, offices, basements, trade show booths, exhibition areas and living spaces.


In hospitality businesses, our business tiles have established themselves as a cost-effective alternative to slippery and expensive floor coverings such as marble or ceramic. They can be easily laid over the existing floor without interrupting business operations.


With a warranty of up to 12 years and the ability to request free samples, we ensure you are making an investment in quality and durability with Fortelock's Business Series. Watch our video and discover how straightforward the installation of the Fortelock Business Series is and how it helps to optimize your flooring.

Environmental friendliness and recycling options

Fortelock PVC floor tiles are environmentally friendly and offer recycling options. They are made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which can be made from recycled materials. This reduces the consumption of natural resources and helps reduce environmental impact.

Another benefit is that PVC flooring can be recycled when it needs to be replaced at the end of its life. They can be processed in recycling plants to make new products. This prevents them from ending up in landfills and polluting the environment.

They meet EU directives for health and environmental requirements.

Overall, the environmental friendliness and recycling options of Fortelock PVC floor tiles are an important benefit that helps reduce environmental impact and conserve resources.

Conclusion: Why Fortelock PVC click tiles are a good choice.

Fortelock PVC flooring is a good choice for many applications because it is sturdy, durable and easy to install. It also offers a variety of benefits, such as

Easy to clean: PVC flooring is very easy to clean with a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner.

Resilient: these floor coverings are very durable and can withstand high loads. Therefore, they are also suitable for use in commercial spaces.

Quick and easy installation: Fortelock PVC flooring is quick and easy to install, with no tools or flooring installation knowledge required.

Safe: they are slip resistant and provide good slip resistance

Environmentally friendly: PVC flooring is environmentally friendly because it is made from recycled material and is recyclable.


All of these features make Fortelock PVC flooring an excellent choice for many applications, especially in high-traffic areas and for those looking for an easy-to-maintain and durable flooring solution.

Industrie vs ECO

Hier go to the guide

Fortelock PVC tiles for high loads:

 Here you can find PVC tiles for high loads such as trucks, cars, forklifts or ants. The tiles are available in thickness 7 millimeter or 10 millimeter

Buy Fortelock PVC tiles for heavy loads


Fortelock PVC tiles for medium loads: 

These tiles are not designed for very high loads. Typical areas of use are, trade fairs, exhibitions or demarcated sales areas.

Buy Fortelock PVC tiles for medium loads


Fortelock PVC Tiles for Business:

Business tiles are installed in commercial spaces and interiors. Thanks to the combination of click tiles and heavy-duty vinyl flooring, the installation itself is very simple and can be done practically at full operation without extensive processing of the floor.

 Buy Fortelock PVC Tiles for Business


Fortelock Recycled PVC Tiles:

In addition to pure PVC, Fortelock ECO tiles also contain a high-quality PVC mixture from electric cables, enriched with additives, which improves the functional properties. The floor Fortelock ECO is designed for high load in industry, warehouses and garages.

Buy Fortelock Recycled PVC Tiles



Fortelock sealing and printing for PVC tiles:

Sealing of non-printed tiles.

We offer our customers the option to seal even ordinary pre-deck tiles.

Our customers use this option to facilitate subsequent maintenance and improve the appearance.



You can have your PVC tiles customized by means of a digital print:

In this way, you can make your floor unique. The designs of the possible imprint, which are possible:


  • Custom imprints,
  • Brands,
  • logos,
  • inscriptions,


How much do PVC tiles from Fortelock cost?

The following table gives you an overview of the prices of our

 Fortelock PVC tiles (price per piece).

Finishes: Leather, Dots or Diamond.

Industrial is available in 7 colors, ECO in 2 colors

PVC-Fliesen Fortelock

Preis / Kosten*

Industrie PVC-Fliesen 7 mm

ab 12,45 €

ECO PVC-Fliesen 7 mm

ab   8,95 €

PVC-Fliesen XL niedrige Einbauhöhe von ca. 4 mm

ab 16,60 €

PVC-Fliesen XL-ECO niedrige Einbauhöhe von ca. 4 mm

ab 12,90 €

Industrie Ultra PVC-Fliesen, 10 mm

ab 16,10 €

Industrie Ultra ECO PVC-Fliesen, 10 mm

ab 11,49 €

Invisible PVC-Fliesen

ab   9,95 €

Invisible ECO PVC-Fliese

ab   7,15 €

Business Fliesen

ab 31,45 €

* Preise für eine Fliese ohne Gewähr (Stand: 22.08.2022)

Are PVC tiles from Fortelock waterproof?


The PVC tiles are not 100% waterproof. Due to the click connections, liquid can penetrate after a rainy car ride or due to melting snow.

Especially in winter, when snow still sticks to the car and then melts away in the garage. Can it happen that the melt water penetrates under the PVC tiles through the airflow system, but the moisture can dry off again.

For the industry there are special liquid-tight PVC tiles, these are tight without sticking to the substrate!

Is it possible to lay the PVC tiles in a tiled garage?

It is basically possible to install PVC tiles in a tiled garage, but there are a few things to consider.

Substrate preparation: the substrate must be clean, dry and level to ensure that the PVC tiles can be installed properly. It is possible that the existing tiles may need to be removed to provide a smooth surface.

It is important to make sure that the PVC tiles meet all the requirements and that the substrate is prepared for installation before starting the installation. It is advisable to seek professional help to ensure that the PVC tiles are installed properly, and the result is satisfactory
It is possible that brown stains appear on Fortelock tiles, 
which are caused by the chemical reaction between the antioxidant 
in the rubber of car tires and the PVC click tiles. Between the antioxidant i
n the rubber of car tires and the PVC click tiles. Prolonged standing of the
 car on the tile surface may cause this reaction. The probability of occurrence
 of stains is higher on lighter colored Fortelock tiles than on Tiles in darker
 shades such as dark gray or black.

Use our filters!
What are the advantages of a PVC floor?

PVC floors offer numerous advantages, especially when you have to put enormous strain on your floor every day.

  • Lightning-fast installation and immediate resilience
  • Easy to lay on problem floors
  • It is no longer necessary to use third-party tiles if the tiles are defective
  • Movements are cushioned
  • heat and sound insulating
  • have a shock-absorbing effect
  • reduces dust formation
  • less tire wear

Use our configurator and make your floor something special

In which areas can PVC floor tiles be used?

PVC floors can be used particularly flexibly, it does not necessarily depend on a specific area. However, customers of prefer PVC flooring in the following areas:

  • garage floor
  • industrial floor
  • Floor for fitness center
  • workshop floor
  • commercial floor in general
  • exhibitions and fairs
  • supermarkets and shopping centers
  • office and administration building
  • floor for halls
  • balcony floor

What slip class in a garage?

In a garage, where cars and other vehicles are parked, it is best to choose a PVC flooring with a slip class R10.

This slip class indicates that the floor has a high slip resistance and therefore provides a safer environment, especially in areas where moisture or oil may be present.

Slip class R10 meets the requirements for slip resistance in high risk areas such as garages.

However, it should be noted that slip class R9, R11, R12 and higher also exist and the higher the slip class, the higher the slip resistance. So it is important to evaluate the risk in the garage and choose the appropriate slip class for the flooring.

The Fortelock PVC tile is certainly one of the most sought-after tiles worldwide. The reasons for this are obvious. Such a floor can not only be laid in no time at all, even if you have no experience, but you don't need to glue, screw or weld. The original floor can be repaired without any problems and the PVC Fortelock tiles are of very good and durable quality.  

Fortelock Alternative to other floor coverings

When it comes to an interior, it's not just the walls or the furniture that count, the floor is also of the utmost importance. May it be a PVC floor cork look or rather a PVC floor marble look? It is well known that tastes are very different, but everyone who wants a new floor agrees on one thing: it should be robust and particularly hard-wearing. In addition, the PVC floor should be easy to lay and cleaning should also be easy. In the best case, you should be able to take the PVC floor with you if you move out. All this is given with Fortelock floors.

  • Fortelock Industry
  • Fortelock Invisible
  • Fortelock Light
  • Fortelock Decor
  • Business

The different Fortelock PVC tiles are all of high quality, but you are spoiled for choice. Would you like to lay a new floor in your garage, in your office or in your bathroom. Fortelock tiles are suitable for every room. The Fortelock Industry tiles are ideal for rooms with high loads. The Fortelock Invisible tiles have a concealed composite system and the Fortelock Light tiles are particularly durable and therefore perfect for all basement rooms or garages. The Fortelock Decor tiles impress with their unique design. They offer a great eye-catcher in any ambience.

It is certainly one of the most coveted tiles in the world. The reasons for this are obvious. Such a floor can not only be laid in no time at all, even if you have no experience, but you don't need to glue, screw or weld. The original floor can be repaired without any problems and the PVC Fortelock tiles are of very good and durable quality. 

PVC tiles Fortelock Industrie, red and black. Installed in a garage by the customer himself

Fortelock experiences what you should know

Again and again the question arises whether the actual floor has to be specially prepared before laying the Fortelock floor, but this is absolutely not necessary. You do not have to straighten the floor, nor does it have to be sanded down beforehand. Even oil and other contamination are irrelevant for the Fortelock floor. The Fortelock tiles are designed in such a way that they copy the unevenness in the floor. However, you can level the unevenness with a cement mixture before laying Fortelock tiles.
If a Fortelock tile has to be replaced because it is damaged, you do not need a specialist for this, because the replacement is very simple and can also be carried out by you without any problems. All you have to do is replace the damaged tile with a new tile.
You can usually clean the floor with water, a normal cleaning agent and a mop. The Fortelock floor is also provided with a polymer structure, which in most cases withstands oils and acids.
Thanks to the existing AirFlow system and the channels, the Fortelock floor can breathe, and it also has particularly tight connections so that hardly any water can penetrate. Should this happen anyway, the water simply evaporates. Unpleasant odors from stagnant water are therefore avoided.
Consumers keep asking themselves whether there is an increased risk of fire with Fortelock PVC flooring. This is not the case. The risk of fire is significantly reduced and independent tests have also shown that this floor is flame retardant.
If you have any questions, you can contact Schaub und Sohn at any time and all open questions will be answered to take away any uncertainty you may have.   

What can damage the PVC tiles?


Sharp objects: If sharp objects such as knives or broken glass fall on the floor, they can damage the PVC tiles.

Spilled chemicals: chemicals such as acids, solvents or detergents can attack and damage the PVC tiles if they get on the floor.

High temperatures: high temperatures, especially heat sources such as stoves or heaters, can cause the PVC tiles to harden and become brittle. But also when welding, due to the falling hot material, it can burn in. We recommend placing a welding blanket underneath.

Improper cleaning: If the PVC tiles are cleaned with too abrasive detergents or tools, it may cause damage.

It is important to check the PVC tiles regularly and minimize all possible risks to prolong the life of the floor and avoid damage.

Floating installation


If the PVC floor is laid floating, you can put a lot of strain on it.

An excellent choice if your floor is used by trucks, forklifts or cars, for example. The PVC tiles are connected to each other using a click system.

The PVC floor always lies loosely on the ground and does not have to be fixed anywhere. This is excellent if you want to remove the soil again.


PVC flooring is particularly popular not only because this material is easy to install,

 but also because PVC is particularly versatile.

Breathtakingly different decors make any room, no matter how boring

something very special.

In the blink of an eye, your floor will shine in a new design.

PVC flooring is as changeable as hardly any other floor covering is.

Our PVC floors from offer one more big advantage,

because they are anti-slip and immediately 100% loadable.

Sample possible
Industry pvc tile Hart 99 Shore A
Hart 99 Shore A You cannot buy this item in hardware stores  You have the perfect garage floor in about 1 to 2 hours, even if you are a layman, as long as you have some manual dexterity.✅Hart 99 Shore A ✅The PVC click tiles can be laid in a flash and immediately loaded to 100%. ✅ Cheap renovation ✅PVC tiles with click system ✅ Quick and easy to install ✅100% repairable and rebuildable  These tiles are solid and are used in areas with high point or dynamic loads. Typical companies for this are those in which, for example, heavy floor technology (such as forklifts or electric pallet trucks) is used.    Advantages of the PVC Tile Industry Flame retardant. (DIN 4102) High slip resistance (R10) Industrial quality for the highest demands. Resistant to most oils and acids. 100% repairable and rebuildable. Easy maintenance and cleaning of the surface. Resistance of the soil to Forklift loads. Gentle on the joints and spine, reducing employee downtime. Excellent dimensional stability. No glue required in most cases = reduced installation costs and time Renovations with minimal disruption to service - no downtime, the PVC floor is ready to use. Large selection of designs and colors In the case of slight unevenness and damage, the floor does not have to be leveled long-term durability and stability guarantee up to 12 years Air Flow System against moisture - prevent mold growth Sound, heat and vibration dampening Easy to maintain and clean surface without special agents 100% recyclable Large selection of designs and colors Expansion joints only from 2500 square meters The softer PVC tiles are anti-fatigue, reducing downtime. Renovation is possible on all load-bearing sub-floors. Can be expanded at any time. New colors and surfaces (leather, dots and diamond) through acquisitions. Colors and surfaces of the PVC tiles industry, light and ECO can be combined with each other as desired! Your company logo can be printed on the PVC tiles just as easily as motifs. In the digital printing process, almost all motifs are possible. low installation height of approx. 7 - 8 mm EU branded product super easy and quick to install for anyone.Hart 99 Shore A Technical details:  c

Content: 0.25 Quadratmeter (€57.80* / 1 Quadratmeter)

Sample free!

If you are planning a new PVC floor:


And think of PVC tiles from Fortelock, look at one, our installation video.

With our tile configurator you can visualize your ideas, for your floor, with a few clicks "see how it will be" no matter whether with tablet, cell phone, laptop or desktop.

We will also be happy to send you a free sample, so you can see for yourself the qualities of Fortelock PVC tiles.

 In addition, our article "Instructions for installing a garage floor, with PVC click tiles" provides valuable information on how to install the floor.


You can find even more information here:


Airflow the system for ventilation of Fortelock tiles.

Load test of Fortelock tiles Industry 7 mm and Ultra 10 mm

Fortelock, installation and maintenance instructions with skirting boards

PVC tiles test Fortelock

Load test PVC tiles with forklift truck

Experiment, what happens when paint, oil, bitumen and brake cleaner hit PVC tiles

PVC tiles ECO advantages and disadvantages you should know

PVC floor cleaning and maintenance of Fortelock click tiles, with a wet cleaning machine.


Take a look at our references as well.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service or 0800 4441550 our free hotline.

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